
Fub-Balance Druid
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Author:  killmer [ Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Fub-Balance Druid

Character Information:

1) What class/spec do you play?

2) What is your armory link? (Please Log off in your raiding gear) ... BBb/simple

3) What is your Battletag?

Personal Information:

4) Are you 17 or older?
I am 19

5) Can you communicate in English?

Computer Information:

6) Can your computer handle 25-Man raids without any issues?
Yes i do while in a 25 man raid mu fps is around 60-75 FPS

7) Do you have a working mic, and do you know how to use it?
Yes i do have a working and do know how to use it

8) Do you have a stable internet connection?
Yes i do

9) Mumble & DBM are required. Will that be an issue?
I have DBM and mumble downloaded but im new to using mumble

Player Information:

10) What is your raiding experience? (Please focus mostly on current content)
The only experience i have is MSV 2/6 NM back when the expat ion came out since then istoped playing and came back after a 3 mouth brake from wow.

11) How prepared do you show up to raids?
When i show up for a raid i all was bring enough flask and food to last me for the whole night of raiding. Before each raid i all was look up the boss that we will be downing learning everything about them.
12) What is your availability on Tuesdays & Thursdays (9:00pm - 12:30am EST)?
The raiding times are perfect for my schedule

Additional Information:

13) What were your previous guilds? Why did you leave?
(State Property) on Kel'thuzad was the raiding guild i was in at the start of the expac but since each week something came up with the guild master nad we were unable to raid left them and went on to make my own guild to raid but was unable to take it there because i stopped playing.
(Elusion) on Kel'thuzad is the guild i joined right as i got back but ever since ive been in it the environment feels really bad and the people are not so helpful

14) Are there any <Gloryhogs> members that can vouch for you?

15) Please provide us with an up to date World of Logs (NO LFR!!!)
I do not have any world of logs since the last time i was in a normal mode raid was October of 2012 and its out of date for the current teir

16) Is there anything else that you feel must be mentioned in your application?
I do not have a wold of logs since i just came back to wow only think i would have is LFR but would not be right to link it. As for raiding i can learn a boss from doing him the first time with out watching any videos on the encounter. im good at that for some reason but i still do my best on studying each boss fight to do my best for the raid

If you have any questions at all, please let me know.

** Please attach a screenshot of your UI, preferably in a raiding environment ** ... 9.jpg.html

Author:  Rahgeclaw [ Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fub-Balance Druid

2 enchants are missing and you are gemming wrong for balance

Author:  killmer [ Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fub-Balance Druid

Thank you for pointing that out. i went over and changed most of it

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